Thursday 21 October 2021

Sudut Kreativiti dan Inovasi Farmasi Menggunakan Bahan Kitar Semula

Unit farmasi dan bekalan Hospital Tapah telah menubuhkan sudut kreativiti dan inovasi untuk mempromosi serta mengajak pesakit dan pelanggan di Hospital Tapah untuk mengitar semula bahan-bahan yang terpakai. Produk-produk yang telah dihasilkan diperbuat daripada kotak-kotak ubat terpakai dari stor ubat Unit Farmasi Hospital Tapah.

Gambar di atas: Sudut Kreativiti dan Inovasi Unit Farmasi

Projek ini dimula dengan mengumpulkan bahan-bahan terbuang yang diperolehi di sekitar hospital. Mengambil inspirasi dalam meningkatkan mutu kualiti untuk pesakit, Unit Farmasi Hospital Tapah telah mengambil inisiatif dalam mengubahsuai kotak untuk dijadikan kereta mainan, bus sekolah dan kapal mainan. Ini dapat menghiaskan sudut kreativiti dan inovasi. Kotak ini diperbuat daripada kotak terbuang, kotak polistirena terbuang, botol plastik terpakai, pinggan polisterin, tali rafia sedia ada dan kertas pembalut hadiah.

Gambar di atas: 3 Produk iaitu kereta mainan, bas sekolah dan kapal mainan yang menggunakan bahan-bahan terbuang seperti kotak, botol plastik, pinggan polistrin dan label ubat yang tidak terpakai.

Di samping itu, sudut informasi yang memaparkan informasi tentang pengambilan ubat dalam kalangan kanak-kanak kurang mendapat sambutan daripada penjaga atau ibu bapa pesakit kanak-kanak. Informasi tersebut akan dibuat dalam bentuk risalah dan diletakkan di kereta mainan, bus sekolah serta kapal mainan “DIY”. Justeru, adalah diharapkan ini dapat menarik perhatian penjaga ataupun ibu bapa pesakit kanak-kanak dan meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kefahaman mereka tentang pengambilan ubat dalam kalangan kanak-kanak.

Gambar di atas: Risalah Penggunaan Ubat untuk Kanak-kanak

Tahniah kepada ahli kumpulan farmasi "Earth Salvage" yang diketuai oleh Liew Mun Yee, PRP Muhammad Adib, PPF Charlotte Faye, PPF Syamimiliana dan PPK Rohayu yang menghasilkan sudut kreativiti dan inovasi ini.

Kitar semula adalah amalan mudah dan tidak memerlukan masa lama yang dapat mengurangkan penggunaan sumber baharu untuk dijadikan bahan baharu. Justeru, kita haruslah menggalakkan orang ramai mengamalkan kitar semula demi kepentingan alam sekitar. Ini akan dapat menyelesaikan masalah dan secara tidak langsung meningkatkan daya kreativiti masing-masing. 

Diharap ada lagi projek kreativiti dan inovasi dapat dihasilkan pada masa depan.

Wednesday 19 May 2021

Updated Acrylic Posters On Vaccine

Hospital Tapah has become one of the vaccination centre in conjunction to the Malaysian COVID-19 Vaccination Programme which was started in February this year. First phase of vaccination which involves all health care personnel were started in our hospital on the 1st of March and of May, all hospital staffs has completed their 2 doses of Pfizer vaccine.

The importance of 'Herd Immunity' become our main focus to address this pandemic issue. Therefore, the government has created platforms to conduct awareness campaigns about the dangers of COVID-19, encouraging Malaysians to register themselves for vaccination. Our hospital too, has become part of the awareness campaign.

Apart having a vaccine registration counter in front of the clinic operating from 8am-5pm, our pharmacy has created posters that has been updated about vaccines near the pharmacy waiting area.

Picture above: Vaccine Registration Counter opened to public.

Before: Acrylic posters on antibiotics in January 2021.

After: Acrylic posters on Vaccines that were updated in April 2021.

Public is urged to continue to stay at home, while practicing frequent hand washing, wearing a mask and maintaining social distance. Besides, efforts in registering for vaccination among the public is still oncoing. Let us pray that we can win this battle soon.

Saturday 20 February 2021

EKSA and Innovative Activities Held In Pharmacy Hospital Tapah During December 2020 to January 2021

EKSA, is the acronym for the Public Sector Conducive Ecosystem where 5S implementation is practiced since year 2010. It's objective is to create a culture of organisational excellence and a more corporate image that practices the idea with creative and innovative activities.

To start out, check out our outpatient pharmacy counter. It has a brand new look. ✌😄

To create a pleasant sight and a more comfortable waiting area for the public, we painted our walls that has accumulated stains, marks and dusts. The dull and dirty walls has then become vibrant and clean.

Picture above: Staffs from Edgenta painting the wall.

Next, we were able to get 3 new clear acrylic poster frames using our Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) budget. This is to substitute manual posters using adhesive tapes, making our information posters to look tidy and more presentable.

Picture before acrylic poster frames.


Picture after installation of acrylic poster frames.


Besides, we requested the Infection Control Unit to install a sanitiser on the wall near our inpatient pharmacy. It is to make sure that during the handling of ward indents, staff nurses and PPKs practice good hand hygiene, especially during this global pandemic of COVID-19.

Picture of before: Wall without sanitiser.


Picture of after: Wall with sanitiser.


We also have new organisation charts from our pharmaceutical services division to replace our existing ones. One is for the Outpatient Pharmacy and another for the Inpatient Pharmacy.

Picture above: New Organisation Charts.

Last but not least, our Outpatient team innovated a small book record pocket for the movement of all keys near our main key box. 

The keys movement record book is to keep a record of staffs handling the keys. It is usually kept near the key box.


As shown in the picture above, our keys movement record book has been located inside the key box and it was quite inconvenient for our staffs to open the key box properly.


To make it visible and convenient, a book record pocket has been designed by our Outpatient pharmacy and it was placed under the key box as shown above.


We hope that our team will keep it up all the good work to enhance and to ease all our pharmacy services and workflow.